Welcome To Crossroads Women's Ministry
Our desire is that ladies would earnestly and whole-heartedly reach out to have a personal relationship with God. Ladies can learn more about God and who they are in Him as we gather for our Bible and book studies throughout the year.

Whether we enjoy large groups of ladies or an intimate one-to-one chat with a friend, God created us to need one another. All of our events provide an opportunity to not only strengthen our relationship with God or reach out to the needs of our community, but also create an opportunity – whether we’re learning, praising, playing, or reaching out – to strengthen our relationship with one another.
Groups & Activities
Women's Bunco Group
Meets once a month, typically on the first Monday night of the month, at local homes. Cost is $10. Contact Tiffany Schmidt at tiffany@gotocrossroads.com to be added to the email list for more information!
Women's Bible Study
Bible Study Fellowship meets weekly at Crossroads on Wednesdays at 9:30am. Registration is required to join. Click here for more information. Currently on summer break.
Learn MoreWomen's Coffee Chat
Coffee Chats are an opportunity for our women to meet together once a month at a local coffee shop to build fellowship & community. Check back for monthly locations!
Get In Touch
For more information on our women's ministry or upcoming events, contact Sara Draeger.